Message from Andy …
“It is paramount to ensure students receive a well-rounded, comprehensive education. I view my role as SCUSD Board of Education trustee as one that requires putting personal ambitions aside in order to focus on the needs of Santa Clara students. It requires understanding issues from multiple points of view through consistent, open communication with the members of our community. Each time I speak with a student, parent, or educator, I am reminded and humbled of the potential impact I have when making decisions on the school board. It is often said, “the youth are our future.” The part I play in affecting that future is a challenging responsibility I do not take lightly. Students in Santa Clara deserve our best, so they are my first and foremost priority in the work I choose to do each day.”
Committed to his family and community, Andy has dedicated his life to volunteering to help make our schools and community stronger and better for everyone.
As a School Board Trustee, Andy works to ensure all our students receive a superior education.
Who I am…
Proud father of two Santa Clara Unified School graduates - Andrew (age 30), and Katie (age 27), both graduated from Santa Clara High School. Caren and Andy Ratermann have been happily married for 33 years.