Academic Excellence
Reduced Class Size
School Safety
Academic Excellence • Reduced Class Size • School Safety •
“We must never forget why we are here - Its about the kids.”
— Andy Ratermann
SCUSD superintendents support Andy Ratermann…
“…is needed now, more than ever, on the board.”
"I have known Andy Ratermann for almost ten years and served with him for six years while I was Superintendent of Santa Clara Unified Schools.
He has been a champion for the underserved for years, working on scholarship opportunities, alternative programs such as coding schools, and promoting dual language school options.
Without his input and involvement, Santa Clara might not have been able to purchase the land where three new schools have been built in the North San Jose portion of the district.
Andy played an integral role in partnering with a variety of agencies and corporations to produce STEM academies at the middle and high school levels.
He was responsible for bringing experts in how children’s brains develop to work with elementary schools to develop curriculum through the lens of neuroscience.
For 18 years, he has been listening to the people of Santa Clara and doing his best to serve their needs so that all students can be successful. He is needed now, more than ever, on the board. He has been a true advocate for all students!"
— Stan Rose, Retired Superintendent, Santa Clara Unified School District
"Andy always puts the kids first when making a tough decision. He is a pillar of the community with all of his volunteering work."
— Rod Adams, 33 years in the district, 8 as a high school Principal and Superintendent for 3 1/2 years.
Andy Ratermann’s proven leadership demonstrates the hallmark of an outstanding school board member: thoughtful and collaborative deliberation with all stakeholders to ensure a focus on student opportunity and achievement. Leveraging his deep roots within the non-profit community to establish programs such as the Cabrillo STEM Academy, a vote for Andy, is a vote for innovation, progress, and dedication to SCUSD.
— Bobbie Plough, Retired Superintendent, Santa Clara Unified School District
While serving as a member of the Board of Trustees, Andy demonstrated the ability to balance the complex needs of students, community members and staff. Andy’s respect for employees is unparalleled, as is his dedication to all students. Santa Clara has maintained its premium status as a school district in the county, in part, because of Andy’s leadership. I highly endorse his continued candidacy for the Board.
— Steve Stavis, Retired Superintendent, Santa Clara Unified School District
“Andy has always been a reliable, thoughtful, and diligent Board member seeking solutions and policies that are best for the kids in SCUSD.”
— Paul Perotti, Retired Superintendent, Santa Clara Unified School District
“…even if Ratermann had a great challenger, it would be a shame for the district to lose him. He is a dedicated and well-informed trustee who has led the Board through complex negotiations with San Jose and the state to secure former Agnews Developmental Center land for schools in the developing North San Jose part of the district. For his expertise as well as his even temper, it's critically important to keep him on the Board."
— San Jose Mercury News
“Andy Ratermann is one of the hardest working school board members I have ever known. Andy's focus is on what is best for our students. He attends an incredible amount of school events and is always very prepared for board meetings. Santa Clara Unified is fortunate to have Andy Ratermann as a member of our Board”
— Teresa O’Neill, Past SCUSD Board Trustee
“A school board member, who can think outside the box in a practical way, keeps the benefit of the kids in mind and won’t play the political games...what a concept! That is why I support Andrew Ratermann.”
— Mark Lund - Past President Wilcox Grads & Dads
“Andy Ratermann’s integrity and fairness ensure that our kids are always first. He has been a great board member, always listening to our needs.”
— Don Wallace, Past President Santa Clara Music Boosters